Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The HAP Homes Have Arrived!

Well's official. The HAP homes are now on the market! Those of you who have been with me for a while may remember a few posts I did regarding the Homeowners Assistance Program at Brunswick Naval Air Station. I had a terrific response from those posts and answered many questions before the Army Corp of Engineers asked to me stop. Apparently, they are the only ones "allowed" to answer HAP questions. Puhleeezzz... But that's a different blog.

So for those of you who are new, well...let's back up a bit.
In 2005, the Base Realignment and Closure Commission announced that Brunswick Naval Air Station was on the closure list. Military personnel who owned homes in the areas affected by the closure were a bit nervous at the thought of trying to sell their homes..... what if values had dropped? Would they be able to cover what they paid during the housing boom? In rides the Homeowners Assistance Program to save the day! If a qualified homeowner (there are certain criteria that have to be met) has tried in vain to sell their home on the current market, HAP steps in and purchases the home, pays off the mortgage and frees up the owner to purchase another home at their next duty station. And then what does the government do with these homes?

It puts them back on the market, of course!

These homes are just starting to trickle on the market as our military guys begin to relocate. The trickle is good....the fact that the government hasn't released them all at once has helped to maintain the values!

Several of my clients have expressed concern about HAP Homes...thinking that they are similar in condition to most of the foreclosures they've looked at. They're not! These homes were not "taken" from people, so they haven't been stripped or mistreated like you sometimes see with foreclosures.

If you're interested in learning more about the HAP The Hershey Home Team!
If you're interested in buying a HAP The Hershey Home Team!

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